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Valentine’s Day Outfit

valentines day outfit - comme cocoValentine’s Day can either bring out the better parts of you or the bitter parts of you. I am slightly in the middle with the scale tipping towards the bitter spectrum. Hence my t-shirt! Although I have never had the chance to celebrate it, even while in a serious relationship, I am a hopeless romantic who as much as I hate to admit, would love to be “woo’d and boo’d up” on this Hallmark holiday. With my most serious relationship ending over a year ago, I have been learning far more about myself and my desires. Just yesterday, I was open and honest with a man who has peaked my interest. I put myself out there and although it did not end the way I would have hoped, I’m truly happy that I came out of my shell a bit. I am far from shy but I do cover my heart with the toughest of shells in order to not get hurt. I am a sensitive person and my feelings can be hurt easily when I truly like someone. Dating is tough. Dating in this area is even tougher. There are a million beautiful, intelligent and career driven women roaming the streets of DC and men around here have an abundance to choose from. This makes it even that much harder to find men who want to commit. Why would they with a plethora of women with outstanding qualities around?  I am in no shape to be in a committed relationship but being the hopeless romantic that I am, I “love” love and all things sappy.

I do not have Valentine’s Day plans but I know that I want to go check out the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. While my mother would probably be unhappy to hear it, I’m a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind. I remember sneaking Jackie Collins’ books when I was in my teens and immersing myself into each and every risque and laviscious detail. While I am a visual creature, when it comes to all things carnal, the written word gets me every single time.

While shopping with Kizzy at PG Plaza for her “freakem” birthday dress, I stumbled on this t-shirt and I had to have it. I knew instantly how I was going to style it and the first nice temperate day we had, I took pictures in to post. This skirt’s silhouette is new for me as I rarely if ever rock anything trumpet style. While I may not ever wear this fit again, I’m really liking what it does for my curves. I guess that is a humble brag, ehh?

So tell me what is the most romantic Valentine’s Day you have ever had and what was the worst? Talk to me…..

vday 1 valentine vs valentino- comme coco red skirt for vday valentines day outfit valentines day outfit from comme coco valentines day graphic t shirt- comme coco

favorite graphic t- shirts

Oh and did I tell you that Ms. Kizzy’s blog is back up and running! Please check her out for all things travel, vintage and fabulous! Many thanks to her for snapping these shots for me and dealing with my incessant orders πŸ™‚





  1. Brandine Sanon
    February 13, 2015 / 1:58 pm

    I love the outfit, which store did you buy it? My best valentines day was when i was living on campus, at age 22, My boyferiend surprised me in school, he drove 3 hours to come see me, He tricked me, we went to Popeyes, i was thinking to myself its valentines and this guy just took me to popeyes, WTH, i started having an attitude, and i told him i have homework to do lets go back to my dorm, when i get to my room, they were flowers, teddy bear, gift cards, and new conforter lol, He actually contacted my roomate and set up everything while i was in class. he took me to a spa, nice dinner and the rest its history. lol

  2. February 13, 2015 / 8:03 pm

    Love Love this red skirt!!

    My best Valentine’s day: Hmmm….I haven’t really had one yet! Let’s hope tomorrow goes really well. If it does, I’ll let you know πŸ˜‰

    My worst Valentines day: This is depressing but it happened so lesson learned. Basically finding out my ex was cheating on me and he spent $500 on the other girl. Ya…that sucked.

    • Jen
      February 18, 2015 / 7:15 pm

      Thank you! Yes that skirt is pretty awesome and thank you for the compliment!

  3. February 17, 2015 / 10:56 pm

    Cute look, you look gorge! I love the shirt, and I saw that phrase all over IG all of Valentine’s Day, lol! I can relate with the DC dating thing! Keep hope alive, lol! πŸ™‚ #BLMGirl

    Kasi |

    • Jen
      February 18, 2015 / 7:14 pm

      Thank you!

      Heading over to your site now!

  4. February 18, 2015 / 1:17 am

    Love the shirt and the shoes! Nice outfit, you wear it well!

    • Jen
      February 18, 2015 / 7:14 pm

      thank you so much Sharice!!!

  5. February 20, 2015 / 4:24 pm

    Thanks for the love my love. I love it. Of course my best Valentines day was last year, when I spent the whole weekend with my love, my fav, my niece Ziyah.

    I’ve had memorable ones spent with a date but nothing is more pure than the love of a child.

    Miss you bunches boo…

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