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Visit Florida: Home for the Holidays day 1 and 2

comme coco and grandmaHome is where the heart is. Home Sweet Home etc Basically we all love being home wherever that may be for us. I was born in Haiti, grew up in Michigan but now my parents’ home is in Southwest Florida. This is where I call home. It may be “God’s waiting room” as I call it but its where the most important people in my life now reside. I left Baltimore on Christmas eve and headed to the sunshine state as excited as can be. If you follow me on Instagram or my Facebook page, you know of the super horrible incident that occurred at the airport and if you don’t, I suggest you head over and watch my video about it. I wore a fake septum piercing to prank my mom and it totally worked… she nearly ripped it out of my nose and I thank God that it was not in fact a real piercing!!!!

I have never ever been a big holiday person (except for my birthday) but this year we have been doing it up big in the Jean-Pierre household. We all have had a very hard year with deaths in the family and all of my heart ache and self loathing issues. With that in mind we have unofficially decided to make sure that we end the year as positive and uplifting as can be and we have definitely been achieving this.

Christmas Day we went to Mass at St. Anne Drexel and then came home to enjoy a delicious lunch! My sister, her boyfriend and I headed over to Yacht Club beach to spend some time by the water before the nighttime festivities began. I was surprised by my half brother and my nephews later on in the evening and we all took a million pics and then feasted on a haitian delicacy called Griot.

This is a pretty photo intense post and I hope you can feel the love and excitement that we all have been sharing!

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  1. December 30, 2014 / 1:39 am

    I have a few last minute things to run around and do before I head to miami on Wednesday for NYE but hopefully we can get together before you leave.


    • Jen
      January 7, 2015 / 2:35 pm

      how on gods green earth did I miss this! I am now seeing it! UGH! SOOOO SORRY

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