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Weekend Tings

As I sit here and type this, its the weekend. Sunday night to be exact. Im cuddled on the couch with Jermaine watching the Grammy’s and cheering on everyone black. Yup. That is what the end of my weekend looks like.

The beginning of my weekend however did not start that calm lol. From feeling ill to getting things done for Crystal Couture 2018- hello Model Casting Call, I knew I had to look cute but comfy.

weekend style from top blogger denim shorts winter outfit-21

Back in the day, my weekends were jam packed with sports. Football games on Saturday and Sunday did not leave much for looking cute. Weekends were devoted to skin tight athletic leggings, knee braces and cleats. Now that I do not play as much, I can actually dress up a little.

Day Time

For the model casting call for Crystal Couture 2018, I went with some of my favorite things. Denim cutoffs and layers. Luckily the temps were in the 50s so all I needed were some opaque tights ( my faves are from HUE) and my good ole pointy toe ankle boots from DSW.

For those not in the DMV area or who do not follow me on social media (shame on you lol), I am a proud member of Team Maggy Francois Productions and we put on the hottest fashion show in the DC area- Crystal Couture. This year I am back coordinating and managing things for Chris Brown’s Black Pyramid line and Ill tell you that this show is going to the BEST ONE YET!!! See my outfit from LAST years event: HERE!!!

*outfit details* Camo Jacket: DIY thrifted | Sweatshirt: Tees in the Trap collab with Claire Sulmers | Shorts: Thrifted Levis and DIY | Tights: HUE | Booties: DSW


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Night Look

Later during the night, Jermaine’s friend invited us to his 40th bday celebration so I switched out my cozy look for something more night wear appropriate. Lately I have not wanted to really think about what I am going to wear. Well let me rephrase. I want to look like it was effortless but really I peruse all of my inspo boards every time I am going somewhere.

I love getting dressed. Love planning outfits and especially love wearing them out.

So for a party, I chose all black with the focus being my fave black vinyl pants and a bomber jacket from Shoe Dazzle. See my fave bomber jackets below.

Thank you to everyone that I got to spend time with this weekend. Especially my new girl gang- Amandeep + Vika. It was such a great time getting to know you both. Here’s to a SUCCESSFUL Crystal Couture.

instagram: @vivirush


p.s. will you be there? Feb 2-3 address: 1750 Crystal Dr Arlington VA 22202

Check out some promo videos I made for social all about Black Pyramid on my instagram. You can see it right on my feed under Crystal Couture 🙂




1 Comment

  1. February 7, 2018 / 1:55 am

    See now you got me wanting to crop my thrifted camo jacket!!!

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