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Why This Blogger Loves the State of Michigan

I am a routine kinda gal. I tend to stick to the script when it comes to my daily life and habits. So that means I check my social media channels from my computer in the morning and then go on from there. Twitter is where I get all my late breaking news, Facebook is where I get my gossip, and Instagram is where…. well I see yummy food pics that make my mouth salivate. While on Facebook, I see an image of the T-shirt above and get instantly excited. Its from an online store called The Mitten State and they have a plethora of super cool vintage t-shirts celebrating all aspects of good old Michigan.  Although I “rep” Baltimore and DC since these are my places of residence, I will forever be proud to be a Midwestern Gal from good old East Lansing or “EL” for short. I spent over 20 years of my life in the Mitten State and I truly believe that there is NO better place on earth. People are friendly and actually say hi and good morning instead of looking at you like you are nuts for speaking. You can go faster on the highways and our food is amazing and moderately priced. And our bars and alcohol… I mean its like 7 bucks for a pitcher of beer! Although Detroit and the State is suffering in this economic mess that our government has put us in,  I know the Great Lakes State will prevail. Just like my beloved Haiti, Michigan is just as resilient and will come out booming again!
Michigan Love:
  • Quality Dairy‘s cider, donuts and Death by Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Gus Macker Basketball Tournaments (don’t think those still go on)
  • Harper’s Raspberry Wheat Beer on a real college campus, Lets Go State!
  • 70mph speed limit on the highway which means you can really go about 76-77
  • Stink Pink Gators, and purple, lime, orange, black, brown, etc… gotta love Northland Mall
  • Celebrating Sweetest Day
  • Tulip Festival in Holland Michigan
  • Seeing the Joe Lewis Fist Statue in Detroit
  • West Indian picnics on Belle Isle
  • Lena’s moms Lebanese Food
  • Late night runs to Meijer for ANY and EVERYTHING (think of a Safeway mixed with Whole Foods blended with a Walmart and Target open 24 hours)
  • Better Made Chips and Vernor’s… POP, not Soda
  • Cedar Point trips during the summer
  • Somerset Mall…. the epitome of luxury for us
  • My sister Claud
  • Indulging in Pokey Sticks at 2am and no one looking at you like you are nuts
  • Going to the UP(its a location not a direction) for the Cherry Festival
  • Telling people you are driving south to go to Windsor Canada
  • The Alpha Alpha Chapter of Kappa Delta
  • Faygo Pineapple Orange is the nectar of the gods
  • Coney Islands, Coney Islands, Coney Islands
  • Michigan State University, ’nuff said                
    all T-shirts can be purchased at The Mitten State

First man I ever loved! Go Green!


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