Style Setters and Maison Grand D'esprit

There is one event in Washington DC that I look forward to every single year and it is the Washingtonian Style Setters party. I have been lucky to have been invited for 5 years straight with a brief hiatus last year. Because my very good friend Barnette was being honored as a 2018 Style Setter, I was again in attendance and smiling from ear to ear. I love this event because it is ALWAYS top notch. The food is always great and the attendees are never the same guests that I see at most Dc events. I love seeing who they invite and frankly I love the style. But let’s also be real…. the food is ALWAYS the absolute best at Washingtonian Style Setters Events. I will never forget the year it was Momofuku madness.
This year the event took place at Agora which is a brand new residential property in Washington DC’s South East quadrant. Yes you read that correct. All of DC’s glitterati migrated to South East to nibble on tasty treats and drink expensive drinks. If you are familiar with DC, you may be reading this with a very confused look on your face because south east DC was never synonymous with the elite. But things have changed in the Nation’s Capitol and South East is burgeoning.

But back to the party and of course my date night out with my fabulous husband.

Before we headed to the Style Setters party
Jermaine and I stopped by La Vie DC at the Wharf (yes that has changed too!) in order to celebrate the US launch of a brand new rose and champagne from Maison De Grand Esprit. Honestly the minute we walked in, Jermaine and I felt like celebrities. So many people came up to us to congratulate us on our nuptials, to take photos together, or just to say hello. I was also beyond overjoyed to meet Charmaine who has been such a support of JJP and take pics with her.

I also got to see the DC Dapper Dudes which are truly my fave group of bloggers in the Washington DC area. Thanks to Barnette I was offered the chance to be at their inaugural brunch and take their photos and I have since named myself their First Lady. Yes, I said it.
Because we knew we were on a time crunch, we tasted the rose and champagne (delish!), grabbed Barnette and made the 7 minute drive back to Agora to finish the night at Style Setters.



Style setters is the annual party thrown by Washingtonian magazine to celebrate and honor their September issue featuring local trend setters and style makers in DC. And yes, Barnette was chosen as one of them! So well deserved and I was super geeked to celebrate with him and of course grab a copy of the magazine so I could brag about him to any and every single person I saw. That is one of my fave things to do… hype up my friends. I truly am always so proud of them!
Let’s get a little real for second. Yes, Washingtonian is the magazine that had that god-awful campaign that used no diversity and left out DC natives. Yes I wrote about it. Yes I still feel as if they missed the mark completely on that. Does that mean I hate them? No. Does that mean I boycott them? No. It means I speak my piece and do what I can to show them how to make better choices the next time around and then offer them the chance to do better. We all make mistakes. We all grow and learn. I am offering them the chance to do just that… learn.

For the night I chose to dress up a little bit. Although it was a record 90% humidity, I was in all black with a pop of color courtesy of my vintage beaded jacket. I acquired this beauty on my birthday this year in Fort Myers, Florida and was just waiting for the perfect night to wear it. In full disclosure, it no longer fits my weight gain but I did not want that to stop me. I draped it over my shoulders and let it do its thing.
Because of the draped jacket, a purse or cross body was out of the question but my Virle Cole sequin belt bag was the best way to hold my essentials, look stylish, and be comfortable.

But it certainly hindered me from doing my thing. It’s hard to sip drinks and hug people with a slightly too small jacket draped over your shoulders but I made it work and the photos were fabulous hunny!
So what is your absolute favorite event in DC?
and how can I get invited? (lol)

I remember that jacket….Vintage shopping with you is always the most fun! lol
Beautiful pics
Thank you Clo Clo. We should do it again REALLY soon