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Holiday Fashion Haul Video

Hey all,
I am here in Florida enjoying the heat, my new holiday goodies and of course my family. I have had alot of time to reflect and strategize for the upcoming year and am pretty excited to share my new adventures with all of you. At 1am, I decided I was bored and pulled out my trusty Canon T3i camera and produced, starred and edited a video showcasing my holiday fashion haul. I shoot all of my videos in one take in order to keep the integrity of who I am and show you all my corniness (lots of it). It also enables me to see my growth in front of the camera aka see what filler words I tend to over use. In all,  I hope you enjoy and like enough to please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Thank you for all the support and I look forward to rocking out in 2013 with you!
Jenni Jehanne
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