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Jrink Juicery 2015-04-14 10-00-50So I have been on a health kick lately. Well I am always on a “health kick” but what I mean is that I am actively implementing AND acting on my health kick. I did 10 days of no carbs and never in a million years thought that I could make it past day 1 but I survived. I probably would have gone a little longer if it was not for my football filled weekends and my body demanding the fuel from complex carbs. I was not doing it for weight loss but more so because I feel as if I have a sugar/carb addiction. I rarely if ever want meat or protein but my body is always SCREAMING for fries, bread, pasta and sweet treats. As I get older, I realize that what I put in my body makes a significant difference in my sleep, my workouts and my overall day to day living. And well, Taco Bell just does not cut it.

As someone who rarely gets enough water or any liquid at that, I have been contemplating trying a juice cleanse to reset myself. I know that I eat way too many processed foods. Not because I love it per se but because my schedule does not always allow me to meal plan and cook effectively, I get lazy and pull into any fast food joint or microwave something at home. Just writing that makes my stomach turn! EEK!

A few weeks ago, I gained a new Instagram follower by the name of Jrink. I am kind of obsessed with my Instagram analytics and am always checking who unfollows me and who follows me. I thought the name was pretty cool so I of course started following back. It was not until yesterday that I truly understood Jrink’s magic. I sipped my first concoction from this juicery and am now HOOKED! It was super tasty and under 200 calories and filled me up for 3 hours. A drink… no food, no snack… just a drink loaded with vitamins and nutrients! Girls hit your Hallelujah!

As I shift more towards a lifestyle blog with a “focus” on all things stylish, I like to feature any product, event, or brand that speaks to me and makes me want to share with all of you. If you are in the DC area, I strongly suggest going to Jrink. Here are a few of the flavors that I am personally going to try or have tried. Please let me know if you visit and what you think of it! 2015-04-14 09-31-24 2015-04-14 09-33-40 2015-04-14 09-34-11 2015-04-14 09-34-49 2015-04-14 09-35-55 2015-04-14 09-36-57 2015-04-14 09-37-33 2015-04-14 09-37-59 2015-04-14 09-38-31 2015-04-14 09-39-02 2015-04-14 09-41-43

To add, the buzz me up, makes me never want my fave iced latte from Starbucks again because its so tasty and keeps me energized for hours. Oh Jrink, I love you!

*all opinions are my own. this is not a sponsored post in any way, shape or form*
*all images belong to Jrink*
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