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Most Stylish in Maryland

Quick blog post to kinda toot my own horn a little bit! Yours truly was just honored as the Most Stylish in Maryland on mega fashion site, Style Blazer!

StyleBlazer 50 States Of Style

I am super excited about it for a plethora of reasons but number one being that it is really, REALLY nice to be recognized for your passion. I love my blog. I love photography and I love style so yes I am cheesing from ear to ear.

Again, thank you SO MUCH for all of you who support me. I am not just saying that. I truly believe that Comme Coco would be not one single thing without all of you!

style blazer 50 states of style

View all the honorees on the Interactive Map and see who was chosen in your state!





  1. March 23, 2016 / 2:07 pm


  2. March 23, 2016 / 2:22 pm

    Well deserved! Keep it up! xo

  3. Claudia
    March 29, 2016 / 2:46 pm

    Awesome Jen… way to represent Michigan, DC, Maryland and Haiti!!!! I’d say Florida too, but you know 🙂


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