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Salon Lynne 1 Year Anniversary Soiree with Paul Wharton

Hey all-
Right before I left for New York Fashion Week, I was hired to be the photographer for the ultra fabulous Salon Lynne 1 year Anniversary party. I can honestly say I was beyond floored by this because photography is one of my many passions. When I started the blog, I bought a DSLR just cause and didn’t think I would ever be into lenses, aperture, focal points, ISO, shutter speeds etc… but as I started taking more and more pictures I realized that I truly wanted to master this art form. Have I done so? Absolutely not as I am still a very amateur photographer but I can say that I definitely have learned far more and that I am fine tuning my skills each and every time I switch my XSi to on. I rarely shoot in auto modes and I now own 3 lenses and an external flash! As is custom of me to do, I am going on an unnecessary tangent, soooooo back to the event recap. Salon Lynne is a luxurious salon located in Logan Circle and they were celebrating their 1 year aniversary at Hillyer Art Space near Dupont and I was chosen to be the photographer for the evening by PR Guru, Whitney Stringer. The night was filled with stylish attendees, yummy treats from Brownie Bar, delicious adult beverages by X Rated Fusion, and chic comic relief and positive energy from Paul Wharton! This was my 2nd time photographing him and well the camera and I love him dearly. He has such a great spirit about him and you cannot help but smile and laugh when he is near!!! I truly enjoyed capturing the memories for such a wonderful group of people and I am so incredibly happy that
they were pleased with my work!!!
This is a VERY photo intense post so please bear with me through the “wobble”, various posed and candid pics and of course Mr. Paul Wharton fabulous self!!!

yup I was lost doing the wobble but I know it now
more event recap posts from around DC:

Harper’s Bazaar Book Signing

Blogger’s Night Out DC 

CapFABB event at Neiman Marcus

Young Benefactor’s Group Scholars Event

Fly Girl 5 Anniversary Party

Fashion’s Night Out DC

Jenni Jehanne
all photos except for 4 were taken by me and all were taken with my camera so please credit if used


  1. Sadé
    September 17, 2012 / 8:34 pm

    Beautiful coverage Jen!! You did a fantastic job. Round of applause to Whitney and congratulations to Lynne on her one year anniversary!



  2. September 17, 2012 / 8:35 pm

    aww THANKS girl!!!!!!!!!!

  3. chictherapy online
    September 17, 2012 / 8:50 pm

    great pictures!looks like so much fun

  4. September 17, 2012 / 8:54 pm

    THANK YOU sooooo much! Yes it was a blast!

  5. September 18, 2012 / 3:16 pm

    Go girl!! looks like fun!

  6. September 18, 2012 / 3:18 pm

    You’ve got a nice camera there ma’am!!! I love the last picture.

  7. September 18, 2012 / 3:19 pm

    Thank you! Yes it was a great time!

  8. September 18, 2012 / 3:22 pm

    thank you Krystal! I love my camera but its really old actually. I cannot wait to upgrade to a t2i or a 7d

  9. September 18, 2012 / 7:25 pm

    NIce recap! You took some great photos. Awesome seeing you there.

  10. September 18, 2012 / 7:49 pm

    Great pics! Amateur my….LOL

  11. September 18, 2012 / 8:10 pm

    HAHAHAH I so needed that smile and laugh! OMG thank you. Work is killinn me and I read this at the right time. Honestly I amVERY amatuer but learning 🙂

  12. Diva Style
    September 19, 2012 / 1:54 am

    Paul is WERKIN’ honey and you caught it all! LOVE IT! Great job and I spied a few of my fashionista Dfriends in your photos!

  13. September 19, 2012 / 2:16 am

    thank you!!!!! He was hilarious all night but I just couldnt post all the pics. Thank you for visiting!

  14. September 19, 2012 / 2:16 am

    thank you Vivi!

  15. September 19, 2012 / 8:58 pm

    thank you! It was a blast

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